It is impossible to fully and effectively address environmental destruction without addressing issues of injustice. This is why Sunrise Brown focuses on environmental justice, which the EPA defines as “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies.” In addition to simply involving all people, environmental justice aims to change the systems of inequality and white supremacy that have perpetuated environmental injustice and provide reparations to those adversely affected by environmental destruction.
Given that every community is different, each Sunrise hub has their own approach to their community’s environmental problems. At Sunrise Brown, we recognize the unique position we are in as students at a powerful and highly influential academic institution. Therefore, we are working to address environmental issues at Brown with the hopes that other academic institutions may follow suit. We also work to address these issues in Providence and beyond, though we recognize that we are visitors to this community. As such, we aim to support local activists and community members without speaking over them or inappropriately inserting ourselves. Most importantly, we make sure to do all of this through a justice-oriented lens.
The fossil fuel industry and those complicit in its actions have continued to drive environmental destruction, the impacts of which disproportionately fall on historically marginalized groups. It is for the protection of people and planet that we must fight for effective climate action and environmental justice.
Through protests, demonstrations, meetings, and more, we hope to direct attention to those in power (e.g. Brown’s administration, local and state government, etc.), applying pressure and making it increasingly difficult to remain complicit in climate destruction and environmental injustice.
Sunrise is a youth-led movement. Being that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, we hope to inspire today’s young people to take action and facilitate necessary progress.